September 2023 Minutes

Town of Bayview

September 12, 2023

Meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by Chair.

Roll call:  Chair Don Jenicek, present; Supervisor Mike Garnich, present; Clerk Kim Suske, present; Treasurer Kelly Warren, present; and Supervisor Bill Bodin, present.

Others in attendance:  Mike Yonan, Butch Warren, Bob Cuty, Nicola Cuty, Mike Fitzgibbon, and Brad Olson.

Town Board Meeting Minutes from August 8, 2023:  Motion made by Bill Bodin to approve as written; seconded by Mike Garnich.  Motion amended to correct the spelling of a name in the Citizen’s Concerns and Comments section. Motion made by Bill Bodin to approve as amended, seconded by Mike Garnich.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report by Kelly Warren:  Checking $81,350.38; Equipment $1895.17; Room Tax $12,699.77; Contingency Fund $26,657.19 and Tax Levy Savings $87,197.32.

Clerk’s Report: Phone system was changed to reduce price by dropping long distance but this has interfered with shop needs.  Clerk to call Brightspeed again and ask about pay per minute long distance.  Clerk is starting LRIP reimbursement process for Big Rock Road.  Clerk will pull together needed paperwork to bill Bayfield County for Town Road Improvement Aid.  Clerk notified Board that Town Hall will be rented out over Applefest weekend and will need cleaning first.  Bev Weber, Wanda Hyde, and Sue Jenicek are signed up for Chief Inspector Training later this month; Clerk will be attending election training for clerks later this month.

Town Board Email System:  Clerk has the new website up with ongoing work to add content such as forms and ordinances.  Mike Cariveau of Bayfield Wireless is providing technical support to clerk for setting up .gov domain and .gov emails. New domain will be  Discussed possible email addresses for board and shop—these will be kept as short and simple as possible.  Mike Cariveau will help Clerk switch our MS Office 365 subscription from Family Plan to Government Plan.  Overall annual cost for domain/website hosting/.gov email addresses/MS Office will be reduced from $839.52 per year to $788.29 per year.

Citizen’s Concerns and Comments:  Mike Fitzgibbon of Whiting Road asked some questions about the new weight limit on the road and about the timing of mowing and whether the timing can be used to prevent the spread of invasive species.

Bench at Bayview Park:  Bench requested by the family of William Houtary will be placed at an agreed-upon location near the pavilion.  Bill Bodin will continue to assist the family with installation once the bench is ordered and received.

HFNP:  The Town still does not have judge’s written ruling.  If John Carlson meets with Landmark Conservancy, Don Jenicek will attend the meeting.

Northwoods Paving for Bodin Road: Update—We still need some trees pulled back before blacktopping.  Ditching work has not yet been done although ditching is needed in an area that will not be paved.

New Wheelchair Ramp:  No progress on finding someone to build a new ramp.  Needs to be done before winter.  Don will check with a couple of people.

Road weight limits ordinance details: Discussion and possible action—Regarding Weight Limit Ordinance 23-01 on Whiting, Maki, and Big Rock Roads.  Don Jenicek and Mike Yonan met with Jason Bodine from Bayfield County.  Previously scheduled logging projects will be allowed use of town roads without a permit but with speed restrictions (20 mph).  For future logging projects the County will need to get on the agenda and come before the Town Board at a regularly scheduled meeting for permission.  Permits will specify 20 mph speed limit for all logging trucks, loaded or unloaded, in residential areas.

Roads Report:  Not all ditching work is done.  Friendly Valley Road is reclaimed.  Still hauling gravel to Niemisto Road.  Still mowing.  Stock needed for winter is already ordered.

Work on 5–year Road Plan:  Board held extensive road plan discussion.  Will finish discussion next month and possibly approve.

The Board may elect to go into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin State Statute 19.85 (1)(g) for discussion re Houghton Falls Nature Preserve:  The Board did not go into closed session.

Payment of Bills:  Motion made by Mike Garnich to approve payment of town bills from August 9, 2023 to September 12, 2023; seconded by Bill Bodin.  Motion carried.


  • Reviewed letter from Demographic Services Center. Town of Bayview population is 508, a change of -4 persons since the 2020 Census.
  • Reviewed letter from Bayfield County Planning and Zoning Committee regarding adoption of amendments to Title 13-1-26 and Title 13-1-62A
  • Reviewed letter from Bayfield County Planning and Zoning notifying us of Comprehensive Plan Public Listening Sessions.
  • Reviewed letter from State of WI DNR re Forest Tax Law land changes.

Board of Review upcoming meetings:  Board of Review Open Book—September 16, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Board of Review will reconvene for their meeting on September 27, 2023, from 6–8 p.m.

Next Town of Bayview Board meeting is set for October 17, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

Moton to adjourn was made by Bill Bodin, seconded by Don Jenicek.  Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.


Submitted by:

Kim Suske, Clerk



Vol.16 page 60                                                                                                                     Approved 10/17/2023