November 2022 Minutes

Town of Bayview

November 15th, 2022

Meeting was called to order by the Chair at 6:03 p.m.

Roll call:   Supervisor   Bill Bodin,  present;  Chair  Don Jenicek,  present;  Clerk  Wanda  Hyde, present; Treasurer Kelly Warren, present; Supervisor Mike Garnich absent.   Others in attendance were Paul Johnson, Mike Yonan and David Warren.

Minutes of October 11th, 2022.  Motion was made by Bill Bodin  seconded by Don Jenicek to approve as presented. Motion carried.

Minutes of Special Budget Meeting October 27th, 2022.  Motion was made by Bill Bodin  seconded by Don Jenicek to approve as presented. Motion carried.

Treasures  Report  by  Kelly  Warren.    Checking  $77,256.25;  Equipment  fund  $3,190.64;  Room  tax $11,394.69; Contingency fund $16,396.51 Tax levy $63,073.35.

Citizens’ Concerns and Comments – Bill Bodin  stated  that his neighbor would like the blacktopping of Bodin Road to go farther than planned.  The board will look at this when they do the Spring Road Tour. Scenic Byway Representative for a 4-year term.   Wanda Hyde stated  that Paul Johnson has been the representative for the Town of Bayview in the past and would like to represent  the town on the Scenic Byway Committee for the next term.   Motion was made by Bill Bodin  seconded  by Don Jenicek to re- appoint Paul Johnson to the Scenic Byway Committee for the 4-year term.  Motion carried.

HFNP – The Attorney hired by Rural Insurance to represent  the Town of Bayview came up and had a tour of HFNP.   Don Jenicek would send the clerk recent  paperwork regarding HFNP to forward to the Board.

Class A Permit for Benjamin Henggeler for Short Term Rental.  Wanda Hyde stated  that the property was previously used as a Short-Term Rental.   Motion to sign  Class  A permit was made  by Bill Bodin seconded by Don Jenicek with the notation that Ben Henggeler is to pay the Room Tax directly to the Town of Bayview , or to copy us on his correspondence  with the online travel agencies with his direction that the room tax needs to be paid to the Town of Bayview.  . Motion carried.

Road report  was given by Mike Yonan.   Bodin Road has been  pulverized, and Big Rock Road paving completed.   Salt/Sand is in place at the town garage.  He was waiting for Northwoods Paving to put a patch on the culvert the town had replaced on Friendly Valley Road.

Payment of bills in the amount of $85,330.29.  Motion was made by Bill Bodin  seconded by Don Jenicek to approve as presented. Motion carried.

Election Board Members for Jan. 1st, ,2023 thru Dec. 31st, 2024, was read.  Motion to approve Election

Board members was made by Don Jenicek seconded by Bill Bodin.   Motion carried. Next meeting was set for December 13th at 6 p.m.

Public Hearing was set  for December 13th  at 7 p.m. followed by Special Town meeting  of Electors, followed by Special Town Board meeting and if necessary regular town meeting.

Motion to Adjourn was made by Bill Bodin  seconded by Don Jenicek. Presented by:

Wanda Hyde, Clerk


Vol. 16 page 47