May 2023 Minutes

Town of Bayview

May 9, 2023

Meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Chair.

Roll call: Chair Don Jenicek, present; Supervisor Bill Bodin,  present; Supervisor Mike Garnich, present; Clerk Kim

Suske, present; Treasurer Kelly Warren, present.

Others in attendance  were:  Butch Warren, Andrew O’Krueg, Shaleen O’Krueg, Susan Kelly, Bob Cuty, Nicole Cuty, Charity Doucette, Paul Norris, Gregg Magnussen, Paul Johnson, Bradley Olson, Mel Olson, Rita Sharp, Bob Sharp, Sue Radtke, Mike Cariveal, Dan Kovach.

Town Board Meeting Minutes from April 18, 2023: Motion made by Don Jenicek to approve; seconded by Bill

Bodin. Motion carried.

Road Tour Minutes from May 8, 2023: Minutes of road tour were read by Bill Bodin.   Motion made by Mike

Garnich to approve; seconded by Don Jenicek. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report by Kelly Warren: Checking $38,059.84; Equipment $1,893.87; Room Tax $10,865.00; Contingency Fund $16,587.79 and Tax Levy Savings $146,808.06.

Bayfield Wireless: Discussion regarding switching from CenturyLink to Bayfield Wireless for internet service.  Mike

Garnich made a motion to approve; Bill Bodin  seconded.  Two votes in favor, one against.  Motion carried.

Town Board Email System: According to John Carlson, we need state compliant email accounts.  John Carlson will coordinate this with Kim Suske.

Class A Special Use Permit for Lorraine Young to have a camper on her property:  Discussion was held.  Mike Garnich made a motion to disapprove; seconded by Bill Bodin.   Two votes to disapprove, one vote for approval. Motion to disapprove carried.

Class B Liquor License with Conditions for Good Thyme LLC—Discussion and possible action at June meeting.

Class B Liquor License Valhalla Pub and Grub—Discussion and possible action at June meeting.

Citizen’s Concerns and Comments:  Residents Sue Radtke and Paul Norris on Whiting Road expressed concerns regarding logging truck traffic.  Discussion was held about weight limits and/or drafting a new ordinance.  Don will talk to Jason Bodine at Bayfield County Forestry.

HFNP:  Attorney filed paperwork.  Expect judgement on May 30.

Northwoods Paving for Bodin Road:  Reviewed and discussed estimate.  Will discuss again next month.

Northwoods Paving for Big Rock Road:  Reviewed and discussed estimate.  Would like an additional estimate which includes paving the hillside.  Will discuss again next month.

Roads Report:  No new information beyond what was read earlier from the Road Tour Minutes.  It was suggested that Mike Yonan be asked to create a priority list for upcoming work. A two-to-three-year road plan will need to be in place by the end of summer.

Payment of Bills:  April Town bills are in the amount of $20,755.71. Motion made by Bill Bodin  to approve as presented; seconded by Mike Garnich.  Motion carried.

Correspondence:  Reviewed a letter regarding possible future increases to state shared revenue.  Reviewed a letter from a doctoral student who wants to do research on the Town’s use of volunteers but we don’t use volunteers.

Board of Review Meeting to Adjourn is scheduled for June 5 at 6 p.m.

Next Board meeting is set for June 13, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

Moton to adjourn was made by Mike Garnich, seconded by Bill Bodin.   Meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m. Submitted by:

Kim Suske, Clerk


Vol.16 page 55                                                                                                                     Approved 06/13/2023