March 2023 Minutes

Town of Bayview

March 14th, 2023

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair.

Roll call: Chair Don Jenicek, present; Supervisor Bill Bodin,  present; Clerk Wanda Hyde, present; Treasurer Kelly Warren, present and Supervisor Mike Garnich, absent.  Other in attendance were Butch Warren, Mike Yonan, Paul Johnson and Kim Suske.

Minutes of February 14th, 2023. Motion was made by Bill Bodin  seconded by Don Jenicek to approve as

amended by Don Jenicek.  Motion carried.

Treasurer Report by Kelly Warren.  Checking $95,681.66; Equipment $1,893.24; Room tax $9,677.98; Contingency Fund $16,560.10 and Tax levy savings $146,563.02.

Bayfield Wireless was tabled until April.

BC Planning and Zoning questions. Don Jenicek and Wanda Hyde filled out part of their questionnaire but needed board approval.  Discussed the 7 questions and answers and stated Wanda Hyde should email Ruth Hulstrom the answers.

Washburn Chamber Yearly Room Tax report was given by Bill Bodin.

Newsletter was reviewed with a few corrections.  Motion was made by Bill Bodin  seconded by Don

Jenicek to approve and mail the 1st part of April. Motion carried.

Citizen’s concerns and comments  – Paul Johnson would like a slab of the pine tree at Bayview Park and the rest removed.  Mike Yonan stated he had already talked to Dan Maki about removal in the Spring. Bill Bodin  suggested that we recommend a Business of the Quarter. This will be on the April agenda. HFNP – Wanda Hyde reported on the request received from Terrance R Wall for emails.  Information was gathered and put in the hands of our attorney, John Carlson.

Roads Report – Mike Yonan stated we really could use a v-plow for the grader.  He was going to check with Town of Washburn to see if one could be borrowed, or if they would help with the problem road. Noted that a v- plow should be put in 2024 Budget.

Review of Financial Report for 2022. Motion to approve was made by Don Jenicek seconded by Bill

Bodin Jenicek with a couple typo corrections.  Motion carried.

Town bill in the amount of $105,259.53.  Motion to approve as presented was made by Bill Bodin seconded by Don Jenicek.  Motion carried.

Correspondence –

Board of Review training is being held May 1sth, 2023 6:30 p.m. virtual.  Don Jenicek, Bill Bodin  and

Kim Suske should be registered.  Mike Garnich is good for another year.

Town Officers’ Handbook 2023 version is on sale.  We will get one free copy for the clerk and pay for second copy for Chair.

Wanda Hyde reported she had to amend the Town of Bayview levy limit worksheet to remove $8,400 reported in Section D Line F as this step for this increase did not follow the correct steps.  For future reference the steps should be:

  • First, the town board meets, proposes a dollar increase in the levy and approves by majority vote of the town board the proposed increase by written resolution of the town board.
  • Second, after the town board meeting where the levy increase was proposed and approved by majority vote of the town board, a notice is posted for special town meeting of electors.  The notice must be posted 15 days but not more than 20 days prior to the special town meeting and after the town board meeting.  A separate agenda item must be included on the notice stating the electors will vote on the levy increase, proposed by the town board, as the special town meeting of electors.
  • Third, the special town meeting of electors is held, where the electors must vote on the levy increase proposed by the town board.
  • Fourth, the electors, by a separate vote at the special town meeting, approved the total town tax levy.
  • These documents will all be attached to the original levy with the Department of Revenue.

Wanda Hyde asked when town roads would be posted.  Mike Yonan would get the advertisement to the press the next day that posting would start on March 24th until May 22nd.

Wanda Hyde, noted that her official last day would be April 17th, 2023 but would work a lot with new clerk right after election until that date.

Next meeting would be set for April 18th, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. would break at 7:00 p.m. for the Annual

Town Meeting and then go back into regular meeting if need be. Moton to adjourn was made by Bill Bodin seconded by Don Jenicek. Submitted by:

Wanda Hyde, Clerk

Vol.16 page 52                                                                                      Approved 04/18/2023