July 2024 Agenda

Town of Bayview Board Meeting

Tuesday, July 9, 2024, 6:00 p.m. at Bayview Town Hall

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of 05/30/2024 Board of Review Meeting Minutes
  4. Approval of 06/04/2024 Board of Review Final Adjournment Minutes
  5. Approval of 06/04/2024 Town Board Meeting Minutes
  6. Approval of 07/01/2024 Special Town Board Meeting Minutes
  7. Treasurer’s report
  8. Citizen’s concerns and comments
  9. Finalize picnic postcard
  10. Business of the quarter—Discussion and possible action
  11. Short-term rental policy and permit fees—Discussion and possible action
  12. Assessor’s contract—Discussion and possible action
  13. HFNP Updates
  14. Town Board website and email system—Update
  15. Roads Report
  16. Board Comments
  17. Payment of bills
  18. Correspondence
  19. Set next Town Board meeting date
  20. Adjourn