July 2023 Minutes

Town of Bayview

July 11, 2023

Meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Chair.

Roll call:  Chair Don Jenicek, present; Supervisor Mike Garnich, present; Clerk Kim Suske, present; Treasurer Kelly Warren, present; and Supervisor Bill Bodin, absent.

Others in attendance were:  Mike Yonan, Butch Warren, Bob Cuty, Nicola Cuty, Lisa Alm, Lance Alm, Cindy Dillenschneider, Narda Boughton, and Wanda Hyde.

Town Board Meeting Minutes from June 13, 2023:  Motion made by Mike Garnich to approve as written; seconded by Don Jenicek.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report by Kelly Warren: Checking $70,452.17; Equipment $1894.50; Room Tax $11,472.98; Contingency Fund $16,615.52 and Tax Levy Savings $117,028.04.

Town Board Email System:  Discussed options:  Set up Gmail addresses through Gmail business accounts and keep present website versus move to a new website design and use that provider to acquire .gov email addresses.  Our current website is non-functional and not mobile friendly. Discussed quotes from Town Web, Superior Lighthouse, and WI Web Design Company.  New website needs to be in place before our current bill for our website comes due on September 11. Money will come from Room Tax Fund.  Motion made by Mike Garnich to move forward with Superior Lighthouse to re-do our website and set up six .gov  or .wi.gov email addresses; seconded by Don Jenicek.  Motion carried.

Citizen’s Concerns and Comments:  Concerns brought up about Whiting Road.  People continue to speed and new gravel is already a washboard.  Discussion held weighing options of an enforceable speed limit of 45 mph or an unenforceable speed limit of 25 mpg.  Concerns also expressed regarding the poor condition of Burlager Road due to the fill that is being hauled for the new mini-storage building on Washington Avenue.

Bench at Bayview Park:  Tabled until next month.

Reserve Liquor License Fee of $10,000:  Motion made by Mike Garnich to place the money in the Contingency Fund; seconded by Don Jenicek.  Motion carried.

HFNP:  Don Jenicek met with our attorney, the attorney for the plaintiffs, and the attorney for Rural Insurance.  All fencing from easements was opened up between 06/15/2023 and 06/19/2023.  All posts were pulled but there are still complaints by a plaintiff about a vertical (boundary) marker. People are walking down railroad grade.  Town still does not have written ruling by the judge—after that is received we will have more discussion about options.  Also can’t put signs up as we have not received written ruling.  Additionally, Landmark Conservancy, the DNR, and Coastal Management have met to discuss how this affects the conservation easement and access.

Bayfield County Zoning Comprehensive Plan: Mike Garnich attended the meeting held by Bayfield County Zoning.  The Board will keep an eye on the changes that are being proposed by the county.

Whiting Road Weight Limitation Ordinance:  Discussed draft ordinance imposing weight limits on Whiting Road.  Weight limits (15 ton) also need to be imposed on Maki Road and Big Rock Road.  Clerk will re-write ordinance—to be discussed at next meeting.

Northwoods Paving for Big Rock Road and Bodin Road:  Motion made by Don Jenicek to borrow $120,000 from Bremer Bank at an interest rate of 5.709% to be repaid over 5 years; seconded by Mike Garnich.  Motion carried.

Roads Report: 

  • Don Jenicek made a motion to approve the purchase of eight—25 mph road signs, six of which will be placed on Whiting Road; seconded by Mike Garnich. Motion carried.
  • There are some problems with the new mower. The window in the tractor is broken.
  • Gravel needed on Burlager Road. Doing work on S. Niemisto Road.  Ditching Friendly Valley Road.

Work on 5–year Road Plan:  Tabled until next month.

Payment of Bills:   Town bills from June 13 –July 7, 2023 are in the amount of $25,007.96.  Motion made by Mike Garnich to approve as presented; seconded by Don Jenicek.  Motion carried.


  • Reviewed letter from Robin Kemkes and Sean Akerman regarding maintenance of S. Niemisto Road.
  • Reviewed letter from Bayfield County Clerk informing us that Bayfield County Amendatory Ordinance 2023-08 was adopted at the June 27, 2023 Board of Supervisors meeting.
  • Reviewed notices from Bayfield Conty Zoning regarding upcoming meetings to discuss proposed zoning ordinance amendments pertaining to 1) non-shoreland substandard lots served by public sanitary sewer as building sites, and 2) a moratorium on the placement of shipping containers.
  • Kelly Warren completed the survey that we were sent regarding alcohol use in Bayfield County.
  • Kim Suske mentioned that the $600 allocated for clerk consulting from Wanda Hyde has been used up. Board okayed continued consulting as needed with money to be taken from the general fund.
  • Mary Gruhl will be doing a presentation at the Depot on July 19 from 1–2:30 p.m. RSVP to 715-685-8363.

Board of Review: Open Book is scheduled for September 16, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Board of Review will reconvene for their meeting on September 27, 2023, from 6–8 p.m.

Next Board meeting is set for August 8, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

Moton to adjourn was made by Don Jenicek, seconded by Mike Garnich.  Meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.


Submitted by:

Kim Suske, Clerk



Vol.16 page 58                                                                                                                     Approved 08/08/2023