January 2023 Minutes

Town of Bayview
January 10th, 2023

Meeting was called to order by the Chair at 6:02 p.m.
Roll call: Supervisor Bill Bodin, present; Chair Don Jenicek, present; Clerk Wanda Hyde, present; Treasurer Kelly Warren, present. Supervisor Mike Garnich, excused. Others present were Mike Yonan, Butch Warren, Paul Johnson, Mike Cariveau (Bayfield Wireless), Kim Suske, Linda Jorgenson, Joe Russo, and Mel Olson.

Minutes of 12/13/2022 and Public Budget Hearing, Special Town Meeting of the Electors, and Town of Bayview Special Meeting to adopt the 2023 Budget. Motion was made by to adopt all of the above meeting minutes was made by Don Jenicek seconded by Bill Bodin. Motion carried.

Treasurer report by Kelly Warren. Checking $248,258.47; Equipment $3,191.71; Room Tax $8,667.84; Contingency Fund $16,423.93 and Room tax $238,387.43.

Class A permit by Kevin Brisky for Short Term Rental was reviewed. Motion made by Bill Boin seconded by Don Jenicek to approve with the stipulation he is personally responsible for submitting room tax to Town of Bayview instead of online travel agency. Motion carried.

Town Newsletter was discussed, with changes being made to board it was decided to wait until April.
Paul Johnson of Bayview History Committee will add ½ page to the newsletter.

Citizens concerns and comments
Bayfield Wireless did a presentation regarding a one time equipment and installation for internet at the town hall. This item will be placed on February agenda.
Joe Russo wanted to thank Board members for all they do. He also stated that he appreciated all Wanda Hyde did for voters during the pandemic. Joe Russo also stated that the road crew is doing the best we can with what they have to work with.
HFNP updates – nothing to report it is in the courts hands and that will not take place until the end of

Roads Report – Grader blew a hose.
Payment of bills for December 2022in the amount of $9,419.52 and January 2023 $140,640.22. Motion was made by Bill Bodin seconded by Don Jenicek to approve as presented. Motion carried.

Next meeting is set for February 14th, 2023, at 6 p.m.
Motion to adjourn was made by Don seconded by Bill Bodin. Submitted by:
Wanda Hyde, Clerk

Vol. 16 page 50 Approved 2/14/2023