December 2022 Minutes

Town of Bayview

December 13th, 2022

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair, Don Jenicek.

Roll call: Supervisor Mike Garnich, present; Supervisor Bill Bodin,  present; Chair Don Jenicek, present: Clerk Wanda Hyde, present and Treasurer Kelly Warren, present.  Others in attendance were John Carlson, Mike Yonan, Butch Warren, Paul Johnson, Tom Murphy, Wendy Murph, Cary Bouchard and Paul Halture.

Minutes of November 15th, 2022. Motion was made by Bill Bodin  seconded by Don Jenicek to approve with one edit.  Motion carried.

Treasurer report by Kelly Warren.  Checking $22,094.73; Equipment $3,191.17; Room tax $11,434.42; Contingency fund $16,409.99 and tax levy $63,135.74.

Citizens Concerns and Comments –

Cary Bouchard noted that in the past 14 years management of HFNP has come a long way.

HFNP management issues.  Looks like the judge is not going to decide the case until March 30th, 2023.

Road report – Mike Yonan reported that we are ready for the upcoming storm.  He is having an issue with garbage cans and mailboxes.

Correspondence – We received correspondence  from John Carlson, Bayfield County Corporation

Counsel letting us know how short- term rentals are going to be handled on the County level. We will no longer get permits to sign off on for BC Zoning.  They will notify us if we get a short-term rental in our township.  The BC Nursing office will require the applicant to obtain a tourist rooming house license, which is obtained from the health department after the county’s sanitarian has inspected the property. Next meeting is set for January 10th, 2023, at 6p.m. with the Caucus at 7p.m.

The board took a break until after the Special Meeting to be held at 7 p.m.

Motion was made by Don Jenicek seconded by Bill Bodin  to amend the 2023 levy amount to $233,524.00 and approve the Salary increases as follows:
Three Board members +$100 a month
Clerk +$200 a month and Treasurer +$200 a month.

Roll call vote 3 yes 0 no.  Motion carried.

7:25 p.m. it was decided that closed session was not necessary.

HFNP letter to property owners. John Carlson stated we should write a letter to all land-owners adjacent to HFNP and that are not involved in the lawsuit regarding a special meeting to keep them informed what is taking place.  A letter will also go to the attorney for the landowners involved in the case.  John would write the letter to be mailed by the town.  Don Jenicek would contact Landmark that the town would wait until they see what the judge decides before making any decisions.

Motion to adjourn was made by Bill Bodin  seconded by Don Jenicek. Submitted by:

Wanda Hyde, Clerk


Vol. 16 page 48                                                                                     Approved 1/10/23