April 2024 Minutes

Town of Bayview

April 16, 2024

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair.

Roll Call:  Chair Don Jenicek, present; Supervisor Bill Bodin, present; Supervisor Mike Garnich, present; Clerk Kim Suske, present; Treasurer Kelly Warren, present.

Others in attendance:  Robert Bodin, Al House, Mike Yonan, Rita Sharp, Bob Sharp, Erika Lang, Brad Olson, Wanda Hyde, Frank Petersen. Linda Krehbiel, Sue Jenicek, Carly Stephenson, Joe Russo.

Town Board Meeting Minutes from March 12, 2024:  Motion made by Mike Garnich to approve as written; seconded by Bill Bodin.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report by Kelly Warren:  Checking $73,888.81; Equipment $3397.38; Room Tax $5582.56; Contingency Fund $19,987.57, and Tax Levy Savings $103,975.74.

Citizen’s Concerns and Comments:  Al House pointed out the failure of a culvert on Houghton Point Road which the Town will take care of.  Rita Sharp mentioned that some fields that are zoned agricultural are not being hayed and asked what this means for assessment and taxes.

Al House to request a three-hour one-time parking variance on the south side of Houghton Falls Road on Saturday, August 17: Bill Bodin made a motion to approve with the stipulation that Mr. House will cover existing No Parking signs and put up Wedding Parking Only signs during that time; Mike Garnich seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Town Board website and email system:  Clerk heard from Microsoft and they are working on our .gov application.

HFNP:  All briefs are done.  The court of appeals needs to make a decision; this can take months.

HFNP Volunteer Trails Group:  Discussion and possible action—Erika Lang presented information about Bayfield Area Trails Group which is a group that formed in 2018 that works together to get funding and recruit volunteers to do work on area trails.  They would like to include HFNP.  She’ll get us their Memo of Understanding for review and will share the liability waiver that volunteers must sign.

Business of the Quarter:  Bill Bodin nominated and made a motion to approve Ron’s Auto Repair for Business of the Quarter for 1st quarter of 2024; Don Jenicek seconded.  Motion carried.  Ron’s Auto Repair will receive a letter of recognition for the incredible service they offer to locals and tourists, including helping people out that have car problems here on weekends and such.

Inventory all 6’-20’ culverts:  Discussion and possible action—Discussion was held about this program which will reimburse towns for the full cost of having inventory work done.  Mike Garnich made a motion to commit to the program and to approve Delmore Consulting to do the inventory work; Bill Bodin seconded the motion.  Motion carried.  Clerk will get appropriate paperwork to Wisconsin Towns Association and to the County Highway Commissioner.

Meeting was suspended at 7:00 p.m. to move to Annual Meeting

Meeting reconvened at 7:35 p.m.

Roads Report:  The crew has been grading, salt-sand is covered.  We have some gravel and need to get more and are aware of the detour and road weight limits.

Board Comments:  Discussion was held about HFNP problems with garbage.  Special “Pack It In—Pack It Out” signs will be put up.  Don Jenicek met with the WI Department of Transportation regarding the 2nd phase of the City of Washburn road work.  The detour around the east side of the city will be in 2027 and will follow Washington Avenue to Maki Road.  He has asked them to lower the speed limit on Washington and Maki to 35 mph.  The DOT will make needed repairs to the roads after the detour is no longer in use.

Payment of Bills:  Motion made by Don Jenicek to approve payment of Town bills from March 13, 2024 to April 15, 2024 in the amount of $29,557.76; seconded by Bill Bodin.  Motion carried.




Town of Bayview
April 16, 2024
page 2


  • Wilderness Inquiry is requesting renewal of their annual permit for their kayaking business—this will go on next month’s agenda.
  • Reviewed invoice from the WI Lake Superior Scenic Byway Council—Board would like to discuss terminating our contract—this will go on next month’s agenda.
  • Bayfield County Forestry and Parks has sent notice that we will be receiving $4000 this year for Smith Fire Lane.
  • We have received multiple communications from Northern Natural Gas—Bill Bodin will respond to them and let them know that we do not have any concerns.
  • Reviewed two items from Bayfield County Planning and Zoning—one letting us know about an appeal submitted by Apostle Properties regarding a denial and another with information about application of building codes to placement of shipping containers.
  • Received a noncompliance notice from WI DNR regarding property in Town of Bayview owned by Daniel Maki.
  • Xcel Energy will be doing an aerial inspection of electric transmission lines from April to August. Residents are asked to NOT stand under any unmanned aerial vehicles as they could fall.

Set dates for Open Book and Board of Review:  Clerk will start to set up these dates.

Set Road Tour date:  Road Tour set for May 6 at 8 a.m. beginning at Town Hall.

Next Town of Bayview Board meeting is set for May 7, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.

Moton to adjourn was made by Bill Bodin, seconded by Don Jenicek.  Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.



Submitted by:

Kim Suske, Clerk


Vol. 16 page 70                                                                                                                    Approved  05/07/2024