April 2023 Minutes

Town of Bayview

April 18, 2023

Meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Chair.

Roll call: Chair Don Jenicek, present; Supervisor Bill Bodin,  present; Clerk Kim Suske, present; Treasurer Kelly

Warren, present; and Supervisor Mike Garnich, absent.

Others in attendance  were Wanda Hyde, Butch Warren, Mike Yonan, Dan Kovach, Vicki Thoen, Dave Thoen, Katherine Jenkins, Andrew O’Krueg, Shayleen O’Krueg, Susan Kelly, Ken Johnson, Kim Ross,  Mary Ross, Bob Cutz, Nicole Cuty, Charity Doucette, Cara Croteau, Paul Norris, Gregg Magnussen, Dale Cox, John Sopiwnik, Molly McCool , Duane Potter, and Paul Johnson.

Minutes of March 18, 2023: Motion was made by Bill Bodin  seconded by Don Jenicek to approve as minutes amended by Bill Bodin.   Motion carried.

Treasurer Report by Kelly Warren: Checking $53,500.62; Equipment $1893.56; Room tax $9,679.62; Contingency

Fund $16,574.16 and Tax levy savings $146,687.50.

Bayfield Wireless: Tabled until May.

Town Board Email System: According to John Carlson, we need to maintain our email accounts and we need to be sure to keep town and personal emails separate.  Information can be found at elections.wi.gov. Don Jenicek will look into this before next meeting.

Class A Special Use Permit for Lorraine Young to have a camper on her property:  Email from Mike Garnich was

read and floor opened for citizen’s comments.  Show of hands—10 of 24 people in room against approval of permit.  Tabled until May as it was a tie vote with one for, one against, and third member of Board not present to break the tie.

Class B Liquor License with Conditions for Good Thyme LLC:  Don Jenicek will talk to John Carlson; tabled until

next month.

Class A Special Use Permit for Katherine Jenkins Short-Term Rental:  Motion made by Bill Bodin  to approve, seconded by Don Jenicek with the following statement added to the permit—“Request that the owners report and pay quarterly room tax directly to the Town of Bayview Treasurer.”  Motion carried.

Business of the Quarter:  Bill Bodin  made a motion that the Town of Bayview make a quarterly recognition of a town business.  Seconded by Don Jenicek. Motion carried.

Citizen’s Concerns and Comments:  No action at this time.

HFNP:  Attorney filed paperwork.  Expect judgement by the end of May.

Meeting was suspended at 7:02 p.m. to move to Annual Meeting

Meeting reconvened at 7:13 p.m.

Roads Report:  Mike Yonan stated that there have been a lot of washouts and the Town will need a lot of gravel. Payment of Bills:  March Town bills are in the amount of $29,117.86. Motion to approve as presented was made by Don Jenicek, seconded by Bill Bodin.   Motion carried.

Consulting Fees:  Former Town Clerk Wanda Hyde will provide consulting services for transition to new Town Clerk Kim Suske at the rate of $25 per hour.  Motion to approve was made by Don Jenicek, seconded by Bill Bodin. Motion carried.


Town requested $5000 from Bayfield County Forestry; county will give Town $4500. Town received a letter from Xcel Energy regarding power line inspections.

Road tour meeting set for May 8, 2023, 7:30 a.m. starting at Town garage. Next Board meeting set for May 9, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.

Moton to adjourn was made by Bill Bodin,  seconded by Don Jenicek.

Submitted by: Kim Suske, Clerk


Vol.16 page 53                                                                                                                     Approved 05/09/2023